Module Pari.Finite_field

type t = (finite_field, field) typ
val inj_ring : t -> (finite_field, ring) typ
val inj_field : (finite_field, ring) typ -> t
val generator : order:Integer.t -> t
val prime_field_element : Integer.t -> p:Integer.t -> t
val inj_prime_field : t -> Fp.t option
val finite_field_element : Integer.t array -> t -> t
val create : p:int -> degree:int -> (finite_field, ring) typ Polynomial.t

create p degree returns a monic irreducible polynomial of the given degree over F_pX.

val generator_from_irreducible_polynomial : (finite_field, ring) typ Polynomial.t -> t
val residue_class : t -> (finite_field, ring) typ Polynomial.t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val add : t -> t -> t
val sub : t -> t -> t
val neg : t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
val pow : t -> Integer.t -> t
val random : t -> t
val zero : t -> t
val one : t -> t
val extend : (finite_field, field) typ -> [< `Degree of int | `Quotient of (finite_field, ring) typ Polynomial.t ] -> t
val fpxq_star : p:pari_ulong -> quotient:Fp.t Polynomial.t -> finite_field group_structure
val to_string : t -> string
module Infix : sig ... end